Level 2 Specialized topics and procedures

Hostile Environment Awareness Training “HEAT” 

  1. Objectives 

The training is for all personnel that will travel or live in fragile environments.  

Our objectives are teaching them a correct preparation and mindset to live and or conduct tasks in a fragile environment. Therefore we train them with a technique for risk analysis and learn how to integrate mitigating measures in your activities to lower your risks. 

Second objective is a focus on most common and deadly medical injuries and a protocol to be followed to enhance the changes of survival. This is done by a theoretical class and practical exercises tailored to situations with limited resources at hand. 

Last objective is to give a training in conduct during captivity. Here they are trained to survive with dignity these hostage situations. 

  1. Content 

This is a 3 day training event where classroom education is alternated with exercises for up to 12 participants.

Medical Training 

  1. Objectives 

SAFE’s medical training is for everyone and it is essential in order to save lives, in all circumstances. Trainees will be better prepared with our practical and tailor-made training. 

  1. Content 

Our medical training includes the essential principles and skills required to assess and manage medical problems in daily circumstances and in fragile environments. The possibilities are endless, ranging from basic first aid, to remote medical training and tactical medicine courses. Our instructors are experienced combat medics and ready to service all of your emergency medical needs. 

For 10 participants. 

Hostage Survival 

  1. Objectives 

This training is designed for anyone who is required to travel to, or work and live in fragile environments where hostage situations present a credible risk. The training provides the trainees with an understanding of the basic elements and structure of a hostage, including an awareness of the pressures which can occur. This training aims to provide trainees with effective coping skills and strategies which can reduce the psychological impact of a hostage as well as to reduce the likelihood of a hostage scenario in the first place. Knowing proven strategies for responding to being taken hostage can increase your chances of survival and enhance your well-being both during captivity and after release.  

  1. Content 

Our training package has been designed for any person undertaking travel to areas of heightened abduction risk and has been adapted for the corporate sector. The training is delivered by highly experienced former military trainers, people who actually delivered this training over many years.  

We offer 2 training packages: 

  1. 8Hrs Hostage Survival Workshop  

    • 8Hrs theoretical and practical workshop  

    • in a classroom 

    • max 10 trainees 

    • 03 trainers 

  1. 24Hrs In Person Hostage Survival Training 

    • 24Hrs practical training with a theoretical briefing and individual debriefings 
    • in a simulated training environment 
    • max 8 trainees 
    • 08 trainers, 02 monitor crew, 01 medic, 01 psychologist and video support  
    • Realistic hostage scenario designed to develop and strengthen the capability to exercise self-control in situations involving extreme physical and psychological stress, with a focus on individual and collective skills. This training is highly realistic in terms of stress intensity and will allow trainees, based on their experience gained during the training, to monitor self-control behavior more effectively. 

Stress Management and Post Trauma 

  1. Objectives 

Stress Management courses and workshops are based on state-of-the-art stress research with a focus on the setting and the professional needs of the client; if needed in combination with individual stress management techniques and HEAT related subjects and incidents.  

The Post Trauma course is a sensitization course that provides practical insight into the emergence of a potentially traumagenic event, without going to deep into therapy and traumatology. Potential first responders in isolated groups will be given practical do’s and don’ts. 

  1. Content 

These are classroom setup courses. For groups of 10 participants. 

Crisis and Conflict Management 

  1. Objectives 

Practically oriented course with interpersonal negotiation techniques and conflict de-escalation; with a focus on resolving conflict situations non-violently. This is a very useful course for people traveling to fragile environments, but also for people working at a call center, lawyers and/or managers. 

  1. Content 

This practical course starts for max groups of 10 people with a short theoretical part, but is soon followed by all the different steps in the negotiation process. Some examples of the course content are: dealing with a checkpoint, dealing with officials, suicide threats and dealing with verbal violence. 

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